
Webinar: anxiety management for young people

By |2021-06-06T10:36:47-04:0028 April 2021|Child Development, Special Needs|

On April 22, the very first webinar organized by fdmt took place in collaboration with two French speaking professionals, Caroline Quarré, psychosocial worker, author of the book L’enfant stressé and her sister Mélanie Quarré, teacher for the CSSMI. Nathalie Gagnon expert advisor at fdmt was also there to present the new stress management kit of fdmt. We thought the information shared that night would be interesting for our entire community. For that reason, we decided to translate the most important concepts that were discussed. The causes [...]

Stress & anxiety in children: what can we do to help them?

By |2021-04-20T16:52:20-04:0020 April 2021|Child Development, Special Needs|

Stress and anxiety are conditions that both young and old can experience on a daily basis. However, when these emotions become so frequent that they interfere with our daily lives, then it's time to tame them! Oh yes! Trying to chase away all our anxious thoughts can bring them galloping back! Indeed, stress or anxiety aren’t bad. Sometimes, these emotions help us to perform. This is the reason why it’s better to learn to live with them! First: let's identify the stress triggers Sonia Lupien, neuroscience [...]

How can I help my children understand their diagnosis?

By |2021-06-06T10:37:30-04:0014 April 2021|Child Development, Special Needs|

Does your child have difficulties every day? Have they been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder? Attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity? Dyspraxia? Do they exhibit anxious behaviors? It is never easy to bring up the subject of difference with our children. For our bilingual readers, here are our favorite resources to help you discuss this topic with your child.  Don't forget to check out the video at the end of the article.  My child is anxious Incroyable Moi maîtrise son anxiété (Nathalie Couture, Geneviève Marcotte; [...]

manimo: the sensory tool with scientifically proven benefits

By |2021-04-07T09:56:35-04:006 April 2021|Child Development, Other|

More than a comforting plush, manimo has become an essential sensory tool for thousands of people! Here are some scientifically proven benefits. ZOOM on Scientific Tests fdmt appointed a specialized firm to perform a biometric and behavioral study. This study allowed us to measure the emotional and cognitive effects of manimo on children, adults and seniors. (DFSA and RE-AK Technologies, 2020). Active Relaxation The effect of manimo is active relaxation. This provides a calming effect on thebody and mind, relieves stress and anxiety to promote attention [...]

Discipline: replacing the negative with the positive

By |2021-06-06T10:38:54-04:0024 March 2021|Child Development|

Catherine has 2 children aged 5 and 7 and making them respect the rules is a challenge! She always feels like she is repeating them and often has to come up with threats to get the children to act. The Red Hammer Example If you’re asked to do the following thing right now: "Don’t think of a red hammer” - what do you see in your head? Chances are, it’s a red hammer! The analogy is the same with children. When we say "Don't run" or [...]

5 essential ways to stimulate language

By |2021-03-17T22:31:47-04:0017 March 2021|Child Development, Physical Activity|

Let’s say it right off the bat - the best times to stimulate your child's language are through everyday activities! Why? Because these are moments that happen throughout the day and the words used are the most necessary ones for daily functioning! Also, including language stimulation naturally throughout the day is easier than planning recurring times when you sit down and "work" on language. Some rules to follow • Avoid making the child repeat. This might be discouraging! • When the words spoken are not worded [...]

Conflicts between brothers and sisters: how do we overcome them?

By |2021-03-10T13:43:13-05:0010 March 2021|Child Development, Unclassified|

Catherine and Maxime are exasperated! Their 2 boys are constantly arguing. If it’s not the youngest stealing the other one’s toy, then it’s a fight that ends in tears. The parents are tired of intervening and playing referee. First of all, it’s important to know that conflicts are normal and inevitable. They support a child in building their identity – in other words to differentiate themselves from others, and to assert and compare themselves in order to get to know themselves better. They also learn various [...]

Successful inclusion

By |2021-06-06T10:39:41-04:003 March 2021|Child Development, Special Needs|

In day care centers, special attention is often required for the inclusion of children with special needs. Even with the best of intentions, it can sometimes be difficult to know where to start. I will share with you my little tips so that children and educators can experience successful inclusion! 1. Have a good understanding of the child's strengths and difficulties It is essential to start with a solid foundation. The educator should have access to the child's file, have the chance to talk with the [...]

Screen time: how do I set limits for my child?

By |2021-02-24T10:37:07-05:0017 February 2021|Child Development, Other, Physical Activity|

Every day, managing screen time for children and adolescents is a challenge! However, with the pandemic and reduction (or even the absence!!) of social and sports activities, screen time is increasing dramatically! Many parents no longer know how to deal with this issue. How much time should be allowed? Should we give the child free reign? How much time to allow? The first step is to determine how much screen time will be given per day. This will depend on the age of the child. Here [...]

manimo: love at first sight!

By |2021-03-03T11:56:30-05:0010 February 2021|Child Development, Help with Homework, Other, Unclassified|

manimo are definitely popular these days. Educators and parents talk to me about it regularly. I am also always pleasantly surprised to find them in the premises of different Childcare Centres! This enthusiasm prompted me to reclaim these weighted animals that I had already used in the past. I have a few uses in mind for my little coconuts who find it difficult to stay put or who always want to touch other children and other small problems. When I received my manimo dog, I fell [...]