
Sensory Break: 3 Activities to Integrate Into the Classroom

By |2024-04-02T14:36:37-04:002 April 2024|Child Development, Physical Activity|

Discover our suggestions for activities to use in your classroom routine in order to integrate sensory breaks with movement! The Importance of Sensory Breaks at School To be ready to learn, children must be in both a calm and alert state. However, this optimal state of self-regulation can prove difficult to achieve and maintain in a school environment...When sensory information that comes from the environment is perceived as being too stimulating or, on the contrary, insufficient, students may feel stress, have difficulty interacting with their peers, [...]

The Sensory Space, an Essential in Your Classroom

By |2023-09-20T15:49:37-04:0031 August 2023|Child Development, Other, Special Needs|

Learn how simple it is to add a sensory space in your classroom that will contribute to your Social-Emotional Learning program Download the printable version nowThe school and classroom provide a wealth of sensory information. Whether or not your students have special needs, processing sensory information can be a real challenge and also impact their behavior (e.g. difficulty paying attention, sitting still, working cooperatively with others, etc.). Sensory processing difficulties arise when the brain can’t sort, organize, analyze, or integrate sensory messages It’s like a “traffic [...]

Using the Sense of Sight to Facilitate Functioning

By |2023-03-20T12:16:37-04:0020 March 2023|Child Development, Special Needs|

Sight: a complex and interesting sensory process Without a doubt, sight is one of our most used senses every day. The visual system is not just about vision or visual acuity, but also about visual integration and perception. These skills allow us to take in the information captured by the eye, and then analyze it through complex neural processes in the brain. The body can then coordinate movements, adjust to its environment, react to visual stimuli, etc. Decoding visual information also makes it possible to recognize [...]

Opposing child: How to improve cooperation? 

By |2022-12-22T11:29:33-05:0021 December 2022|Child Development, Special Needs|

All children resist to obey, what could be more normal? However, it seems that some of them get on our nerves on purpose! They are always the first to oppose the slightest instruction. So, can we encourage the cooperation of the opposing child? Yes! I’m Jessica Rousseau, a.k.a. MamanÉducatrucs, Family Coach and I’m giving you 4 basic tips to apply on a daily basis. Causes : Is it their personality or education?  Some children have a natural tendency to want to resist authority. It’s part of their [...]

Taking the Stress Out of Holiday Shopping: The Best 2022 Gift Guide for Sensory Tools

By |2022-11-08T10:57:46-05:0025 October 2022|Child Development, Help with Homework, Special Needs|

It’s unavoidable: the buzz of the holiday season is starting to sound louder and there’s an excitement in the air. It’s palpable! Gift giving can be such a special, unique, and memorable experience for you and your kids. And yet, let’s be honest, it can also feel overwhelming! The lead up to the holidays doesn’t need to be so stressful (there’s enough stress already just with everyday life!). We tend to opt for gift ideas that are somewhat unexpected, fun to engage with, and (bonus!) that [...]

Christmas Shopping Made Easy: Canada’s Best-Selling Weighted Plush Is the Perfect Gift Idea

By |2022-10-04T10:02:14-04:004 October 2022|Child Development, Help with Homework, Special Needs|

Without fail, every year around this time, parents and grandparents start the mad dash to find the perfect gift for the special children in their life. The holidays just wouldn’t be the same without the kids’ sweet surprise when they spot their gifts under the tree and run to unwrap them! Why not offer the cutest, most original gift that also has a few astonishing neurophysiological benefits? What’s better than gifting something that’s good for your child’s body and brain? Weighted animals and blankets provide soothing [...]

How Others See Us

By |2022-08-17T15:58:54-04:0017 August 2022|Child Development, Special Needs|

It’s difficult to be completely indifferent to how others see us. This is true for everyone, but for an autistic person, it’s what will make the difference between living and surviving. We can’t live fully in this world that is created, valued and recognized by neurotypical people while at the same time seeking the approval of these people whose scales, referents and measures are made from this dominant model. The autistic person gives themselves a chance when they find that feeling of pride and accomplishment that [...]

How to help a child with ADHD to carry out their routines?

By |2022-07-26T08:08:45-04:0026 July 2022|Child Development, Special Needs|

Time management, doing all his steps, going back and forth between school and home… Even though it seems like we are always behind them, they want it as much as anyone! With a few good strategies, you can help your ADD/ADHD child become more organized (a little without you!) With my daughter, a simple brushing of teeth can be epic. She talks to herself while staring at her reflection in the mirror, makes a few faces… Getting through a daily routine can be a marathon, but [...]

Our Brain and the Many Benefits of Crossing Midline

By |2022-07-11T11:44:10-04:0011 July 2022|Child Development, Other, Physical Activity|

Going about our daily task and activities, adults are often crossing midline without giving it much thought at all. As we tie our shoes, read, turn the steering wheel while we drive, and reach for various things throughout the day, our brain is hard at work. So what’s our midline? As you could likely guess from the name alone, someone’s midline is that imaginary line that runs from the tip-top of your head right down to the point between your feet, separating your body into two [...]

How Do We React To Our Child’s Report Card?

By |2022-06-08T14:23:44-04:008 June 2022|Child Development, Help with Homework, Special Needs|

What if we tried to be a little less emotional? We love them and we want the best for our children, that's normal! You can be proud of them or worried about them, but you shouldn't let them know that you're disappointed in them. Let's remember that their report card is not our evaluation of whether or not we are a good parent, but a picture of their school progress. So the report card arrives at home. What do we do? I'm Jessica Rousseau, aka MamanÉducatrucs, [...]