Does your child have difficulties every day? Have they been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder? Attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity? Dyspraxia? Do they exhibit anxious behaviors? It is never easy to bring up the subject of difference with our children. For our bilingual readers, here are our favorite resources to help you discuss this topic with your child

Don’t forget to check out the video at the end of the article. 

My child is anxious

Incroyable Moi maîtrise son anxiété (Nathalie Couture, Geneviève Marcotte; Éditions Midi Trente): this book is intended for parents and their child, aged 6 to 12, in whom anxiety traits are present. With the help of accessible, well-popularized texts and fun exercises, children can learn to better recognize and manage their anxiety. This book is also of interest to practitioners working with anxious children. In the same collection, the book Extraordinaire Moi calme son anxiété de performance is a gem!

L’anxiété racontée aux enfants (Ariane Hébert; Éditions de Mortagne): this book provides a simple approach to anxiety in the form of an illustrated story. We also really like the book L’anxiété – La boîte à outils by the same author.


My child has dyspraxia or a developmental coordination disorder

Max est maladroit (Dominique de Saint-Mars; Éditions Calligram): aimed primarily at children aged 6 and over who have dyspraxia, this book tells the story of Max and his friends who are building a cabin in the forest. Unfortunately, Max’s awkwardness infuriates the others who kick him out. His big cousin, at home for the weekend, helps him, advises him and shows him what to do.

My child has autism spectrum disorder

The Guide: 10 stratégies pour aborder le diagnostic TSA avec votre enfant was written by Valérie Leclair, special education teacher. It allows you to support your child by explaining their strengths and differences. A must!

The book Être autiste et ado (Josiane Caron Santha; Éditions Midi Trente) is very popular! It contains a multitude of concrete explanations for tackling everyday challenges (managing your emotions, communicating with others, etc.). So – teenagers with autism spectrum disorder have an easy to read companion book that helps with every aspect of their lives (or almost!)

My child has attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity

Mon cerveau a besoin de lunettes (Annick Vincent; Éditions Québécor): visually very interesting, this book offers young people, their parents and their caregivers practical and effective tips for living with ADD/ADHD on a daily basis. It also helps to better understand how this neurodevelopmental disorder affects young people.

Le TDA/H raconté aux enfants (Ariane Hébert; Éditions de Mortagne): this book allows children to better understand their diagnosis and to self-assess. Several tips are also given to help the child overcome their difficulties. For parents and caregivers, the book TDA/H – La boîte à outils is a marvel! As you can see, we’re partial to the whole collection of psychologist Ariane Hébert!

Find out about the 17 books that promote understanding to autism

Check out the video below to hear about different parenting experiences:



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