
Screen time: how do I set limits for my child?

By |2021-02-24T10:37:07-05:0017 February 2021|Child Development, Other, Physical Activity|

Every day, managing screen time for children and adolescents is a challenge! However, with the pandemic and reduction (or even the absence!!) of social and sports activities, screen time is increasing dramatically! Many parents no longer know how to deal with this issue. How much time should be allowed? Should we give the child free reign? How much time to allow? The first step is to determine how much screen time will be given per day. This will depend on the age of the child. Here [...]

International Update

By |2019-09-17T16:24:16-04:0027 September 2017|Physical Activity|

Last January, I had the privilege to participate in the 2nd Children’s Physical Activity and Sport Conference (0-12 years) held in Finland. The participants came from 18 countries and I was unfortunately the only representative from Canada. The main conferences, oral presentations and posters covered an impressive variety of themes such as public health, motor development, motor skills and sports, unstructured play, school, daycare, family, sport, motor evaluation and impact of physical activity on the brain and academic learning skills. The following provides a brief overview [...]

Build N’Balance and vestibular training – Gonge Insights

By |2019-09-17T16:24:17-04:0027 September 2017|Physical Activity|

The theme of this Gonge Insights is vestibular (balance) training with dynamic training for highly sensitive children and how Build N’ Balance® can be used in training of this kind. A large proportion of the population is said to be highly sensitive. Hypersensitivity in the sensory apparatus can be significant to learning motor skills and the child’s willingness to move. The child finds it difficult to separate incoming sensory impressions and tends to over-react to them. When the vestibular system is over-reactive, the child will find [...]

The rich contribution of men in physical activities

By |2017-06-30T15:20:34-04:0030 June 2017|Physical Activity|

THE UNIQUE ROLE OF MEN IN EARLY CHILDHOOD Typically, fathers more than mothers foster risk-taking in their children such as climbing unaided on play structures or jumping into the water. In their role, mothers are usually the first attachment figure when the child seeks comfort. A recent study (Paquette & Bigras, 2010) developed the concept of "enabling relation", which refers to the emotional bond of encouraging the child to go in the world outside. The goal of this research was to stimulate the 12 to 18 [...]

Quality First Experiences in Physical Activity

By |2017-06-29T17:26:51-04:0029 June 2017|Physical Activity|

The quality of first experiences inevitably develops children’s taste for and pleasure of movement. Whatever the appeal of the activity or sport, one of the key factors influencing the quality of the experience lies within the coaching and training stakeholders. The Youngest are the Most Neglected Whether in public organizations (e.g. municipalities, associations, sports clubs, etc.) or private (e.g. ski schools, hockey, circus, dance, etc.) as well as in the early childhood network or school system, the quality of physical activity intervention is often ineffective for [...]

Physical Literacy: An Inspiring Concept!

By |2017-06-29T17:21:10-04:0029 June 2017|Physical Activity|

The purpose of this article is to introduce you to the innovative concept of physical literacy. This global concept inspires more and more stakeholders and organizations to guide their actions on the health and well -being of children. Physical Literacy? Physical literacy is an English concept that took shape in the 90’s through the current popular healthy lifestyle. It represents all the fundamental capabilities and values (motivation, confidence, motor skills, knowledge and responsibilities) human beings should have so that they engage in a physical, healthy lifestyle [...]

Active outdoor play: “Get out of the way and let them play !”

By |2017-06-29T17:15:06-04:0029 June 2017|Physical Activity|

Very often fall means going back to structured indoor activities and courses. Yet unsupervised outdoor play is essential for a healthy development. There is compelling scientific evidence to that matter that cannot be ignored. However the environment provided by childcare centers, schools and municipalities imposes limits on the wealth of sensory and motor experiences the children could live. CURRENT SITUATION The latest (2015) ParticipACTION report card on physical activity for Canadian children and youth reveals that only 14% of children at age 5-11, are meeting the [...]

International Update

By |2017-06-29T17:11:42-04:0029 June 2017|Physical Activity|

As I mentioned in my March column, last October I attended the 1st International Congress of physical activity and sport for children (3-9 years) held in Liege, Belgium. Here is a brief overview of the main research results and global trends in practices to promote physical activity among children and their future accessibility to the sport. At the conference, one of the focuses was on the challenges of the overall development of the child through educational, recreational and competitive physical activity. All major world leaders are [...]

Can play structures develop good gross motor skills?

By |2017-06-29T17:01:21-04:0029 June 2017|Physical Activity|

Preschool outdoor motor activities are often directed through free play on play structures. Although these structures are unavoidable in schools and day care centers, they are only a bit effective in developing children’s gross motor skills. A brief analysis as well as recent research results will help you to be aware and adapt your approach strategy as spring comes knocking at our door. Gross Motor Intensity One of the first intentions when you go outside to play with children is to give them fresh air, an [...]

Prescribed Physical Activity for Ages 0 – 8 Years

By |2017-06-23T17:30:03-04:0023 June 2017|Physical Activity|

Regular practice, even daily, of physical activity and sports is fundamental and contributes to the overall development of the child. However, what are the recommended requirements and the overall objectives for young children between ages 0 and 8 years? CREDIBLE SOURCES Several recognized associations or organizations have developed concrete recommendations in recent years to guide parents and stakeholders in the education and sports environments. For the purposes of this column, I selected two credible organizations that are closest to my values in sport and physical activity [...]