The arrival of COVID-19 has profoundly changed our habits, especially with the huge introduction of working from home. Unfortunately, spending a lengthy amount of time in front of a screen can have negative consequences: muscle pain and stiffness, reduced motivation, reduced energy level, etc. Here are some tips to get you better!

A little theory: postural control & sitting posture

The ability to maintain a sitting posture for a long time is provided by postural control and the stabilizing muscles of the trunk (abdominal and back, among others). If you have weakness in these muscles, you will have difficulty sitting for long periods. To compensate for this weakness, you may have a tendency to move around in your chair or change your position constantly. Surprisingly, it is easier to maintain a standing position than a seated one (take the test!), especially when there is weakness in postural control!

Tips and Tricks

First, let’s start with optimal positioning:

● Heels resting on the ground (not just the toes): a small bench or a cardboard box can be placed under the feet, if necessary.

● Knees at about 90 degrees.

● Supported back: you can add a cushion or roll up a blanket.

● The work surface is approximately at the bend of the elbow.

You can also opt for alternative positions. These will allow you to improve postural control, have a better energy level and, consequently, more motivation and attention.

● Work standing up using a window sill or a bookcase.

● Do short periods of reading or watching videos while lying on your stomach and leaning on your elbows (this stimulates the back and lumbar muscles).

● Use a coffee table.

○ By leaning against the wall or using a Ray-lax type chair.
○ Use yoga blocks – these blocks are easy to find and inexpensive. They promote the adoption of a more comfortable and easy to maintain posture.
○ Remember that the height of the table should not exceed the bend of your elbow!

Get a portable work surface.


Maintain healthy lifestyle habits

We can’t say it enough: to maintain a healthy body and mind, good lifestyle habits are essential:

● Get enough sleep: 7 to 9 hours per night.

● Exercise: at least 2.5 hours or more per week. You can go for a walk at the start or end of the workday, or even at lunchtime.

● Set aside moments without a screen (at mealtime, for example): read a magazine, contemplate the landscape outside, listen to music.

● Have rooms in the house without access to visual media thus the temptation is less!

Wishing you well!


The CRCM team of specialized educators and psychoeducators

CRCM – Clinique de réadaptation Carolyne Mainville

Facebook: Clinique CRCM