What are executive functions?
Executive functions are high level mental processes which provide a coordinating role for adaptation to new situations and can only be done through automation. These functions, done out of habit, make decisions and assess risk, plan ahead, prioritize and direct actions and deal with new situations.

Here are some executive functions:
 Flexibility (ability to adjust , to consider other options)
 Planning (anticipate, to get down to the task, organize)
 Regulation (adjust our emotions, our behavior)
 Enabling (start a task, continue a task )
 Disabling certain responses (stop an automatic or impulsive response)

In ASD, it is often flexibility (among other things) that is achieved! Here are some examples:
 Adaptation to changes and unforeseen circumstances (e.g. changes in approach, schedule)
 Difficulty adjusting during transitions (e.g. accepting switching to another activity if the previous one is completed)
 Adjusting depending on the situation or the person (e.g. stop talking about a subject that doesn’t interest the person we’re with)
 Limited interest in certain topics (e.g. dinosaurs, video games)
 Too much interest in certain objects (e.g. holding a worthless item in the hands, sleeping with items)
 Use of repetitive language (e.g. exaggerated use of certain terms)
 Perseveration in doing things a certain way (e.g. rituals, aligning objects)

How can I help the child with ASD reach a level of flexibility?
 Teach alternatives (e.g. other subjects of conversation, other avenues that can be taken)
 Teach Prevention Plan A and a Plan B
 Teach probabilities (e.g. it may be that you’re first, it may be that you’ll be second …)
 Teaching opportunities (e.g. what topics of conversation to discuss, several ways to play with the same toy …)
 Breaking rigidities that are not useful and functional everyday
 Do not allow rigidities to become established (e.g. always having the blue glass)
 Use visual schedules to demonstrate the changes, the unexpected


Martine Dugas, Psychoeducator,martinedugas@live.ca-www.martinedugas.ca