Homework is a challenge for many parents and children. In a world where our schedules are often overloaded with work and extracurricular activities, it is not always easy to approach this task with enthusiasm. Here are some suggestions to make homework time more productive and enjoyable:

Use mediums other than paper and pencil:
• Write dictation words on the iPad or computer
• Practice addition with pasta, buttons or other objects
• Use crayons that can write in the bath
• Ask for addition answers while the child moves, jumps on the trampoline
• Use a table

Choose the right time/place
• Do homework at time when your child’s concentration is better.
• Change the time to the least busy to reduce negotiating from your child.
• Vary the place – review lessons in the bath, car or while waiting somewhere.
• Enjoy Saturday and Sunday before doing homework.
• Encourage your child to do homework at after school care if it is conducive.

Reduce distractions in the surroundings
• Position the child with their back to certain stimuli (e.g. the window).
• Ensure a quiet place away from noise (e.g. music, TV)
• Find a location where there are little comings and goings.
• Choose an uncluttered table where the child will be working.

Use aids to provide structure to this period
• Use a visual timer or sand hourglass
• Visually show the child a time line (horizontal line divided in two). The more time he takes to do homework, the less time he will have to play and vice versa.
• Involve the child in the organization and planning of homework. It will give the impression that he has chosen to do it!

Use tools that foster calmness and concentration
• Allow your child to handle an object during lessons (e.g. ball).
• Allow your child to chew gum while doing homework.
• Place a magic bag or weighted lizard on his legs.
• Use Earmuff or allow the child to listen to music if that helps.


Martine Dugas, psychoeducator – CPEMSH – martinedugas@live.ca