Each child develops at his own pace. Nevertheless, it may happen that some children have a delay in one or more areas of development (social, language, motor, etc.). Margo, education specialist, has compiled a list of some signs that relatives should be concerned about for a young child between the ages of 2 and 3 years.

Social Sphere:
 Establishes little or no eye contact with relatives;
 Does not respond to the smile of a person that the child knows;
 Demonstrates little interest in playing with others;
 Is not inclined to share his joy or his creations with others;
 Engages in play that is repetitive and unimaginative.
Language Sphere:
 Does not respond when his name is called;
 Seems not understand simple instructions (e.g. “Go get your teddy bear and show it to Grandma. “);
 Presents with a language delay (e.gt. At the age of 2 years, the child should use more than 100 words and make two word combinations);
 Compensates the speech delay a little by the use of gestures (among others, points).
Behavioral Sphere:
 Tolerates little or no changes in routines (these can cause a crisis);
 Narrow interests, repetitive and sometimes unusual behavior;
 Demonstrates an important concern for objects;
 Reacts intensively or does not react vis-à-vis certain sensory stimuli.

Obviously, the presence of one of these signs in a child does not mean that the child has a neurodevelopmental disorder. On the contrary, if you observe at least some of these signs in your child, Margo recommends that you talk to your family doctor or contact a professional (e.g. educational psychologist, speech therapist, occupational therapist, etc.). There are interventions that can help your child develop harmoniously.

Red Flags for children birth to six years. A quick reference guide for early years professionals. Early Identification in Leeds, Grenville & Lanark. Novembre 2007. Simcoe County Early Intervention Council.


Vanessa Gagnon, Special Education Teacher – vgagnon@crcm.ca – www.crcm.ca